Wednesday, November 14, 2012


This photo was taken with my personal mobile phone at the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Ridgefield, Connecticut. The work is by an artist named KAWS, a Brooklyn-based sculpture and installation artist. I stumbled upon this work quite by accident, while attending a Nick Arrojo class that was held at the gallery. This piece, while immediately noticeable, was tucked behind the building and only clearly visible from the parking lot or from within the gallery through the windows. It was a rainy, misty kind of New England afternoon which served to enhance the profound feeling of melancholy expressed by the figure's penitent posture. The immediately recognizable form of 'Mickey Mouse' confers a sense of familiarity. The placement on the grounds of the gallery outside the building implies loneliness and isolation. The overall feeling is a sense of lost innocence, which is something that probably everyone can relate to. This image has haunted me since my friend and I pulled into the parking lot that day and it has become a cherished memory.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Rossy De Palma

Today I have not been able to stop looking up pictures of the incomparable Rossy De Palma. She truly is a Picasso come to life. I wonder what he would have thought if he'd seen her face? In an age of nearly identical starlets and 'sex symbols' it is refreshing to see a woman celebrated for her natural beauty. I find her asymmetry to be alluring and sexy. I also love that she has a real woman's body, and isn't desperately clinging to 25. I'll even support her decision to wear severe fringe bangs and flat, straight hair as it feels a little bit like a middle finger to the western ideals of beauty.

Nail Art

Not normally into nail art, though I find these to be elegant and tasteful.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Here are some vintage wigs for you to adore. I especially appreciate the Vidal Sassoon bob.